How Does Astrology Explain Mental Issues Like ADHD & Depression?

nov 22, 2022 For newbie in astrology

A paper published on ”Prediction of Mental Illness Using Indian Astrology: Cross-Sectional Findings from a Prospective Study” on Journal of Scientific Exploration in 2018 revealed that astrology to a certain extent can predict the presence of mental illness through an individual's gender, date, time and place of birth. However, the study is tentative and more extensive research is required to prove it. Read on as what we can learn more about ADHD and depression from an Astrologer’s perspective.

What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental health problem that makes it difficult for you to concentrate and control your behavior. It's diagnosed when a child or adolescent shows signs of inattention and hyperactivity or both.

The symptoms of ADHD can be so disruptive that they interfere with schoolwork, relationships, and daily life. They can also affect your ability to lead a productive life. If you think you may have ADHD, your doctor will perform a physical exam and ask you questions about your symptoms. Your doctor will also look at your brain scans, blood work, and other medical tests if needed.

Depending on the results of these tests, your doctor may refer you to a psychiatrist or another mental health specialist for further evaluation and treatment.

How Does Astrology Explain ADHD?

ADHD is a complex disorder, with many different factors contributing to its development. One of these factors is the birth chart and planetary positions of an individual’s natal chart, which has been shown to have an impact on people's emotional and mental health.

The correlation between astrology and ADHD is not a new one. In fact, it was first discovered in the early 20th century by Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler, who noticed that some of his patients had a hard time focusing and staying focused on tasks.

Bleuler hypothesized that there must be something about their birth chart that was affecting their ability to focus — so he began looking for correlations between the positions of the planets at the time of birth and mental illness.

He found that there were common patterns between psychiatric disorders and where certain planets were located in one's birth chart at the time of conception or conception date (i.e., time when an egg is fertilized). His theory was that these patterns were caused by gravitational forces acting on the planets as they moved through space around the sun over millions of years."

The Role of Moon & Mercury in Controlling Your Emotions

The moon and Mercury are two planets that influence our emotions. When the moon is in a certain phase, it can affect how you feel, how you act and how you think.

The moon's effect on your emotions depends on the phase of the moon, which is when its light reaches Earth. The phases are new moon, crescent moon and full moon.

New Moon: During a new moon, you're in a very emotional state because your moods will be heightened. You may be feeling extra sensitive or reactive to situations around you.

Crescent Moon: During a crescent moon, you may not feel as much emotion as usual because your mood is more stable than usual. However, if there's an upcoming event or situation that could affect your emotions (such as a family member getting sick), then this phase can bring out stronger feelings than usual.

Full Moon: Full moons are usually considered to be more emotional because they have less stability than other phases of the moon do — they tend to bring out stronger feelings than other phases do.

Mercury is the planet that rules communication, so it should come as no surprise that it has a role to play in controlling your emotions. As you know, Mercury is also the planet of speech and writing, so it's no wonder that communication can be such a powerful force for good or ill.

Mercury's ability to control our emotions is due to its placement in our chart. The more Mercury is within our sign, the more powerful this influence can be on our emotional lives. For example, if you have a strong Venus-Mercury conjunction in your 12th house of love, this aspect can cause you to become very intense about your relationships with others. You may even find yourself jealous of another person who seems to have more love than you.

If this happens often enough and with enough intensity, it could lead you down a path of self-sabotage and even depression if you don't take steps to correct your situation.

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How Are Planetary Motions Linked With Anxiety

Planetary motions are the slow, repetitive movements of our celestial bodies, like the sun and moon. In astrology, they can be thought of as the movement of archetypes in the natal chart.

The planets have been linked with anxiety since ancient times. They are associated with all kinds of mental states, including moods and emotions such as joy, anger, fear, sadness and worry.

In fact, many different cultures have historically used the planets to describe their own mental states and emotional states. The Greeks called Jupiter "Zeus," meaning "sky father," because he was believed to rule over all other gods. The Egyptians called him "Ra" or "Re," meaning "sun." They believed that Ra was born from his mother Isis when he rose from the dead after being murdered by Osiris (the god of vegetation).

It is important to remember that every planet has an individual influence on your life, and even more importantly, your personal constitution. For example, if you have a strong connection with Venus, this does not mean that you will necessarily be an anxious person. In fact, the opposite may be true: if you are an anxious type of person, then perhaps it would be better for you to seek out a relationship with someone who has a strong connection with Venus.

The point being made here is that there are many different factors at play when it comes to determining which type of person you are and what your personality traits might be like.

Explaining Depression: Acute vs Chronic Depression

The difference between a person who has depression and someone who doesn't is that the depressed person is not "feeling good."

If you have chronic depression, it's unlikely that you've ever felt truly happy about your life. But if you're experiencing an acute episode of depression, there's no question that you're legitimately suffering from a lack of happiness in your life.

When someone experiences an acute episode of depression, the symptoms can be very distressing and difficult to deal with for the person who's experiencing them. But once those symptoms pass and the individual is back on track again, they will often find themselves feeling considerably better than they did before their depressive episode occurred.

Acute vs Chronic Depression: The Difference

There are many differences between acute and chronic depression.

Acute depression is a short-term condition that occurs within the first two weeks or months of experiencing a major stressful event or loss. It can be caused by physical illness, traumatic events such as death or divorce, or other significant life changes.

Chronic depression lasts longer than two weeks and can last for months or years. Chronic depression may result from a variety of factors including genetics, brain chemistry imbalances, childhood trauma, and past experiences with depression.

Reasons of Acute Depression as per Planetary Positions

The reasons for acute depression as per planetary positions is that Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are in their negative sign.

Saturn is the planet of old age, death and darkness. It signifies limitation, stagnation and sorrow. The people born under this sign are very sensitive to disappointments and losses. They have difficulty coping up with their loss or failure. This can result in an acute depression if they fail to accept it as a lesson to learn from it.

Uranus is a planet of sudden changes and transformations in life. It signifies sudden changes in our lives, unexpected events and problems that come suddenly without any prior notice.

Neptune is the planet of spirituality and spirituality can bring out those hidden secrets buried deep inside our soul which we cannot control ourselves by ourselves but only when we open our heart to other people around us who can help us solve them easily like a spiritual healer or a psychic reader or astrologer who can give you guidance on how to deal with your problem or what steps need to be taken to overcome it.

How to Treat Acute Depression: The Astrological Approach

If you are suffering from acute depression, you need to know that there are many different paths to recovery. The following is a guide to one of those paths:

The Astrological Approach

In the astrological approach, you will be encouraged to look at your life through the lens of the planets and their signs. This is something that has been used for centuries and can help you uncover what is going on in your life that might be causing your depression. It may seem like something of a leap, but just try it!

If you are suffering from acute depression, then this could be the right path for you. There are some things that we can do about our lives that will help us feel better sooner than later. So take some time out today and explore the idea of looking at yourself from an astrological perspective.

Here’s the step-by-step guide to treat acute depression according to astrology:

Step-1: Ask for Advice From Your Zodiac Sign

It’s important to learn about your zodiac sign. You can find out what each of the signs are like, and how they are affected by different moods and situations. For example, some people with Aries will become more cautious when they have a cold or the flu. They may be more inclined to take on extra responsibilities at work, but they might also feel stressed out at home.

Step-2: Get Off The Couch

If you’re feeling low in spirits, it’s important that you get up off the couch! One study found that people who stood up after lying down were able to improve their moods significantly more than those who remained sitting down throughout their day. The same goes for exercise – moving around helps release chemicals in your brain that make you more upbeat and energetic.

Step-3: Find Your Happy Place

Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself or complaining about everything that bothers you, find your happy place! This can be anywhere from a favorite room at home (or anywhere else!) or even just taking a walk outside where no one else is around. When you're in the right frame of mind, you'll be able to deal with whatever comes your way in life. The next step is to start thinking about how you can improve your life and make it better for yourself.

Step-4: Look For Something To Feel Good About

This may seem like an odd step, but it's actually incredibly important. You need to focus on something positive in order to feel better. If you're feeling down, then look for things that make you happy. This could include anything from finding something fun to do with your friends or family members (although this should be done in moderation), watching funny videos on YouTube, listening to music that makes you smile or just reading funny stories online.

Step-5: Make A List Of Positive Things That Are Happening In Your Life Right Now

What are some of the positives in your life right now? This can be something as simple as the fact that you have a job, or it could be something more significant like the fact that you have just moved into a new apartment, or that you are getting married to your soul mate. Whatever it is, make a list of these things and see how many positive things there are in your life right now. This will help you reassure yourself that there is hope.

Reasons of Chronic Depression as per Planetary Positions

Depression can be caused by many factors and the most common reason is the planetary position. According to astrologers, the Sun, Moon and Jupiter are the main causes of depression. The Sun is responsible for the health of the body and mind. If a person has a weak constitution then he/she will be prone to depression. This can be prevented by taking good care of yourself and performing regular exercises.

The Moon is associated with feelings and emotions, so if you have strong feelings like anger or sadness then you might also experience depression. To avoid this, try to get rid of these negative feelings through meditation or even talking with your friends or family members.

The last one Jupiter is responsible for physical health, so if you lack energy then it’s likely that you suffer from chronic depression as well. You should make sure that your diet includes plenty of vegetables and fruits which will help build up your immune system as well as improve your moods.

How to Treat Chronic Depression: The Astrological Approach

The astrological approach to depression is based on the idea that the planets influence our moods, and that you can use this knowledge to improve your mental health. The most important thing to know is that depression is not a single condition but a pathway or series of conditions. You might have one condition at one time, and another at another time.

The most important step in treating any illness is to determine the root cause of it and then work on restoring balance by rebalancing the planets in your natal chart. Each planet has its own energy, which can be either positive or negative. When one planet is out of balance, it will have an effect on all other planets in your chart and vice versa.

Once you have identified the root cause of your depression, you need to work on restoring balance by rebalancing the planets in your natal chart. This will help you to find your own inner strength and power to overcome any obstacles in life.

Wrapping Up Thoughts

Astrology can give us specific quantitative information about not only our characteristics, but also how we interact with the world and even why we think the way that we do. The chart can also give insight into what drives a person to certain compulsions, tendencies and behavioral problems.

Importantly, this is not medical advice, and we advise all the readers to consult a doctor or a psychiatrist if they are suffering from depression, anxiety or other mental disorders.

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Mark Rusborn (A. Borealis)
Mark Rusborn (A. Borealis)

Former Soviet physicist, now a professional astrologer, creator of the Pocket-Astrologer project.

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